Twice a year we invite you to participate in our Culture survey (you may have heard us refer to this as our ‘Pulse’ if you’re based shoreside or our ‘Life on board survey’ if you’re fleet based). The responses we receive help us better understand the employee experience, it’s about celebrating our successes, working on areas for improvement and ultimately edging us closer to achieving our goal of becoming Travel Employer of Choice.

We know what makes a good day at work for one person could be very different for another. Our culture surveys are your opportunity to speak up and tell us what it’s like to work here. We run the surveys on a biannual basis so we can regularly hear from you and check in to see if you’re feeling the effects of any changes, we’ve made off the back of feedback from the last survey.

The next Culture survey is now open to shoreside colleagues and will close on Friday 11 October at 23.59 (BST). The Life On board survey for fleet colleagues is open too and will close on Sunday 13 October at 23.59 (BST).

What’s happened since last time?

Since the last survey back in May we’ve taken your feedback and working with your EEG’s and senior leaders put it into clear action plans, as we’ve done for all previous surveys. Here are some of the things we’ve been working on …

Shoreside we’ve …

Introduced business brunches to give you more exposure to senior leaders and access to knowledge of key projects that support our big six business priorities. We’ve hosted our summer of togetherness events programme, including the Big Get-together, Pride and South Asian Heritage Month. ELT have continued to deliver quarterly business updates to make sure you are updated on targets, successes, and current performance. They will also continue to join your departmental meetings to give you more time to ask questions. We’re in the process of delivering a shiny new intranet which from late this year will help us collaborate and find information quicker and easier than ever before. We’ve also committed to a new consistent approach to succession planning next year.

At department level there’s lots happening too. Cunard have introduced monthly ‘speaker sessions’ to improve collaboration. F&BS have introduced a suggestion box to cover bright business ideas as well as department improvements. The Maritime leadership team have been locating themselves at desks within teams throughout the month to encourage open discussions. The People team have introduced ‘get to know your PLT’ to give the team the opportunity to connect with leaders in an informal and more personable way. P&O Cruises have been sharing career progression (and mentoring) stories at their departmental updated and CCO are looking at ways to make permanent homeworkers feel involved including a ‘need to know’ booklet.

On board our ships we’ve …

Focused on improving crew food options through food forums and crew food surveys. We’ve been encouraging more regular catch ups between managers and their teams to support open discussions and rolled our Leadership and Management Essentials training to all 1 stripe officers and non-officer managers. Plus, we’ve continued to support fleet-based teams to actively participate and promote initiatives that improve women’s experience onboard. We’ve also introduced free, emergency use period products and updated our Cunard uniform policy to ensure women can be comfortable at work.

How is the survey in October different?

The survey in October offers us the chance to check in with you on what it’s like to work for us now and whether there is anything new that we’re doing well, or we need to focus on. This time the survey will also include some hot topics that come up regularly in the surveys. These topics are generally quite broad subjects and so we’d like to know a little more from you so we can make sure we’re focusing on the right things. As always, all feedback is anonymous.

How do I take part?

If you are a shore based Carnival UK colleague you can take part in the Culture survey here. You can also take part by clicking the link sent to you via email on 30 September or by scanning the QR code on materials at Carnival House promoting the Culture survey. If you are shore based but you work for Corporate Shipbuilding, Carnival Corporation, or one of our sister brands, then you’ll receive a separate survey invitation from the brand you report into.

If you are fleet based you can take part in the Life On Board survey by clicking the link sent to you via email on 30 September, by accessing  crew complimentary browsing pages or by scanning the QR code on materials on board promoting the Life On Board survey.

The Culture survey closes on Friday 11 October (23.59 BST) for shoreside colleagues and The Life On Board survey closes on Sunday 13 October  (23.59 BST) for fleet based colleagues.

Have your say and help us make our employee experience even better.

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