Our ships sail the world’s incredible oceans and we’re committed to our responsibility to help preserve and protect our marine environment. As part of this, we’re supporting the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) with a series of beach cleans and we need your help!

Join us at Calshot Beach on Monday 25 March

Our first beach clean will take place at Calshot on Monday 25 March between 09:30 and 13:00 and we’re looking for 20 volunteers to join us. All necessary equipment and PPE will be provided; we just ask that you get yourself there and back. The time spent at the beach clean will count as time working and you’ll be expected to return to work in the afternoon.

Want to join us? Please check in with your Line Manager, then complete this form to register your interest by Monday 18 March.

By getting involved you’ll be playing your part in supporting our sustainability agenda and giving back to our local community, not to mention helping the MCS to gather valuable insight on found items to drive further conservation activity. So what are you waiting for? Sign up today!

There’ll be further beach cleans coming later in the year, so look out for more on that. In the meantime, check out carnivalsustainability.com to find out about our sustainability focus areas.


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