Our amazing teams onboard work so hard to create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests so it’s great to hear them taking time out to enjoy activities with colleagues.

Recently Iona hosted a ladies volleyball tournament which was an absolute smash! The fierce competition was on full display, and major congrats are in order for Team Food & Beverage for clinching the win with unmatched prowess – what a victory to remember! 

The court was alive with exceptional energy as every player embraced the evening with a winning mindset—uniting for fun and friendship. Special shoutout to the Receptionists who cheered on the teams with mascots and pom-poms – your enthusiasm added an extra sprinkle of joy to the night!

My biggest learning tonight was the approach our ladies have to sport—to have fun and be inclusive. Kudos to each lady for bringing an outstanding spirit to the court.

Amal, SWC Sports Rep onboard Iona

A heartfelt thank you to everyone who participated and rallied behind their teammates, it’s great to hear so many colleagues taking time to be active. Your sportsperson-ship and enthusiasm truly stole the spotlight. 

Thank you to Iona for sharing this story. We’d love to hear from you too. Share what you’ve been up at Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com.

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