On Sunday 1 October, a team of riders from across CUK will be cycling 45 miles for The Prince’s Trust annual Palace to Palace bike ride as part of Team Cunard, to help change young lives!

As Cunard celebrates 15 years of partnership with The Prince’s Trust, colleagues will be pedaling from Buckingham Palace through the rolling Surrey countryside, down The Long Walk, past the iconic Windsor Castle and finishing up at Windsor Racecourse, as they fundraise to help give young people the chance they deserve in life.

If you’d like to support your fellow colleagues and The Prince’s Trust, you can do so by donating directly to the Team Cunard page here.  

Did you know? Tuesday 5 September is International Day of Charity. Why not support Team Cunard and give to The Prince’s Trust today?

Here’s how your donation can help a young person supported by The Trust: 

£5 could cover the cost of a bus ticket for a young person to attend their first job interview, your donation could help unlock an inspiring career.£10 could fund a call to The Prince’s Trust helpline, enabling a vulnerable young person gain the critical advice they need.£15 could contribute towards The Trust’s work in schools, equipping a classroom with the right tools to help young people re-engage with learning.£20 could provide a young person with an experienced youth worker for an hour, building their confidence, resilience and motivation during this time.£55 could help The Prince’s Trust provide a young person managing a struggling new business with expert mentoring.£100 could leave a lasting legacy, this donation could contribute towards the specialist equipment that opens up a lifelong career for 1 young person on the margins of society.

Hear from member of Team Cunard, Bob Dixon, below to find out more about his journey, from Palace to Palace:

As the CUK Cycle-to-work champion, I am very much looking forward to the Palace-to-Palace ride in support of The Princes Trust.  My daily commute is a 14 mile round trip but this event is several times that distance. 

I’m looking forward to cycling on London’s network of new cycle paths, something I‘ve never done and the feeling of achievement when we finally roll up in Windsor.  If you happen to be in the area do come along and give us a wave!

If you would like to come along and support your colleagues on the day, Team Cunard will set off at 8:45am from Buckingham Palace and take this route to Windsor! Please note the route maps are subject to change at last minute.

If you’re supporting a particular colleague on the day, Palace to Palace recommend that you meet them at the finish so you can cheer as they cross the finish line and watch the medal collection. There is an end of event village including fairground attractions and refreshment stalls and plenty of parking at Royal Windsor Racecourse. More information about Palace to Palace can be found here.

Good luck Team Cunard!

Click here to find out more about Cunard’s partnership with The Prince’s Trust.

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