Meet our CCO Queen Anne Insiders, Clarissa and Becky, two Personal Cruise Advisors from our call centre here at Carnival House.

As the countdown to Cunard’s newest Queen edges closer, our Queen Anne Insiders will have exclusive access to behind-the-scenes events, partnership announcements, and have the chance to share in the celebrations of Queen Anne’s milestones.

They’ll be reporting back to the wider CCO team and keeping us up to date on all things Queen Anne as she continues to take shape over the coming months. Stay tuned for the inside scoop!

Meet Clarissa Andrews

Hi, I’m Clarissa and I’m a Personal Cruise Advisor in Cunard’s White Star Sales Team and I am so pleased to have been chosen as one of the Queen Anne Insiders.

I began my career with Carnival during the pandemic. Being one of the first people to train via Zoom was a real challenge, but with my absolute passion for travel, combined with my love of Cunard, I’ve turned my passion into expertise and always strive for the best results within the White Star sales team.

My love for Cunard was sparked at a very young age when I travelled on Queen Elizabeth 2 with my parents, where my Father was a singer on board!  I was also proud to see his picture flag up during an amazing lecture on board Queen Mary 2 recently.

In my own time I frequently enjoy our wonderful ships with my own family. Being a mum of three teenage girls, I spend most working days at home in Bournemouth, where I enjoy walking my dog on the beach and doing yoga during my free time. That’s if I’m not on a cruise!

Meet Becky Diggle

Hi, I’m Becky, I work within the CCO as a Personal Cruise Advisor for Cunard and have worked here for the last year and a half. I’m really proud to have been picked as one of the CCO Queen Anne Insiders and can’t wait to experience all the fantastic opportunities that will come with it .

I have a passion for travel, and having lived in Southampton for many years, I’ve watched our magnificent ships come and go. One of the most memorable moments for me was seeing all three Queens sail into Southampton together in 2020.

With my Customer Service background, working for Cunard in the CCO enables me to merge my passion and experience together. I’m looking forward to learning more about our newest Queen and reporting back to the wider business.

Due to grace the seas in early 2024, a ship inspired by Cunard’s past and built for their future, Queen Anne extends the Cunard Line for future generations.

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