This International Women’s Day (IWD) sees the official launch of a new Female Officers Network, a mentoring forum established by Captain Louise Sara, Fleet Captain/ Director, Maritime Standards, with a mission of:

Bringing female identifying Officers together to create a community where networking and development of professional skills can thrive by offering connections, resources, and the sharing of experiences and knowledge to support professional growth and personal development.

The Female Officers Network will be a safe and confidential online platform for Officers to connect across the Carnival Corporation Brands. A means to contact and chat with other Officers of similar ranks, participate in discussions, meet potential mentors and promote female role models through engagement.

“Our female Maritime Officers (Deck and Technical) are a minority group onboard the ships and quite often the only female in the bridge or on the technical teams.

When I went to Sea with P&O Cruises back in 2000, I was one of two female officers taken on in a group of about 40 deck and technical cadets. As a junior officer at the time, I often felt alone and sometimes singled out. I had to adjust myself to fit in with the team onboard to feel like I was their equal.

This network is an opportunity for female identifying Officers to engage with each other and find a bigger voice – which is sometimes lost when they work in isolation.”

– Captain Louise Sara

Who is eligible to join?

All female identifying officers in the deck and technical departments will be invited, and we welcome others too, as mentors and allies. Whether that’s male advocates of the channel, or female officers within CUK who have transitioned ashore and can provide insight into the process and how they made it happen.

Upcoming events:

  • Launch Event on 8 March for International Women’s Day
  • feM-POWERMENT Coaching Workshop
    • Afternoon Workshop 18/04/2023 @15:00 German time
    • Morning Workshop 20/04/2023 @ 10:00 German time

Keep a look out for more events coming soon!

Find out more:
Contact: for more information on how to be part of the Female Officers Network, and how you’d like to support or be part of the community.

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