Today, 31 March, sees the launch of Soundwaves, Cunard’s latest audio-driven marketing campaign featuring real Cunard guests, telling real stories, to give those who are aware of the brand more emotive reasons to choose Cunard.

We asked eight real guests ‘Do you have a moment you can tell us about from your time on board a Cunard ship, that brings back how you felt at that moment, every time you remember it?’

Listen below to hear their stories:



David Jones, Cunard Marketing Director, said:

“Guests often tell us that sailing with Cunard evokes powerful emotions, so we were delighted to be able to showcase some of their stories through these powerful testimonials captured during their voyage. Soundwaves perfectly captures the atmosphere, community and spirit of adventure that a Cunard voyage provides”.

This first burst of the Soundwaves campaign will run until 25 June. Listen out for the audio clips across paid social, podcasts via Acast, digital radio via Bauer, YouTube and Spotify.

The highly tailored campaign will hit total monthly impressions of e.24.5 million among Cunard’s target audiences. 

Find out more at:


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