Today is a very special day for Arvia and her crew. It’s a long-standing maritime tradition for a new ship to be blessed with the belief it’ll bring good fortune to the vessel and all who sail on her. And today, our newest ship will be officially welcomed to the port of Southampton during a special ceremony in which the city’s Bishop, the Rt Revd Debbie Sellin will bless the ship and her crew.

Commemorative plaques will be exchanged between Associated British Ports and P&O Cruises president, Paul Ludlow, and Captain Robert Camby in what will be such a memorable moment.

Afterwards, guests will be invited on board for a tour with Captain Camby – a unique chance to see our sparkling new ship. Then, of course, many colleagues will get to experience Arvia first hand on her overnight test cruise.

While the test cruise is extremely exciting for us all, it’s also the culmination of many years of planning and months of hard work and development in order to ensure everything is as smooth as possible for our guests booked on Arvia’s maiden voyage and all future cruises. For everyone attending this evening, please remember to give our colleagues on board your full support at all times.

We’ll be sharing photos of today’s events on @carnivalukcomms on Instagram later today so be sure to keep a look out! We’d love to see yours too – remember to tag us with #HelloArvia

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