Following the creation of our Military, Veterans and Partners (MVP) Community in June, we’re now taking one step further to show our support for these colleagues by signing the Armed Forces Covenant (AFC).

The AFC is a promise between Carnival UK and the military community to support those who serve, or who’ve previously served as part of Her Majesty’s Armed Forces. We’re the first of our competitors to sign this agreement and with 2.04 million veterans and nearly 200,000 Regular and Reserve members of the Armed Forces in the UK, this certainly shows them our aim to be travel’s employer of choice. 

We were due to have Sture Myrmell, President Carnival UK and Donnacha O’Driscoll, EVP, Maritime, sign the AFC in person, joined by Rear Admiral Jude Terry, who’s the Royal Navy’s Director of People & Training,) on Monday 12 September. This has was postponed due to the news about Her Majesty; The Queen. However we’re pleased to say this will now be taking place on Thursday 10 November with Rear Admiral Paul Beattie, Director Naval Staff.

A part of history
For those of you with a keen knowledge of maritime history you may already be aware that it’s the 40th anniversary of a mixture of P&O Cruises and Cunard providing the QEII, Canberra, Atlantic Conveyor and Uganda to the South Atlantic Task Force during the Falklands war.

If you have any connection to the Armed Forces, as a Reservist, Veteran or Partner of someone who does and are interested in finding out more about our MVP Community please contact Matt Hall.

For those Line Managers with someone in one of the above groups who want to be able to better understand and support their colleague, our MVP Community can provide confidential information. Again, please contact Matt Hall.

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