Learn more about Cunard and get behind the scenes with the ‘We are Cunard’ podcast series! Recently recorded with the Cunard team at Carnival House, each podcast will give you an insight into each business area, along with some ‘I did not know that!’ moments!

In the second episode we take a peek behind the curtain to learn about product development and delivery for Entertainment. We’re joined by Andrea Lenihan, Senior Brand Manager and David Webster, Director Entertainment Booking & Operations.

Listen to episode 2, here!

Keep your eyes (and ears) peeled for a new episode every 2 weeks! Next up, in no particular order: 

  • Getting there is half the fun about Itinerary and Port Planning with Paul Reeves, VP, Revenue Management & Deployment and Sander Groothuis, VP Vice President Port & Shore Operations

  • Building a service culture focusing on White Star Service with Anna Thomas, Fleet HR Manager and Peter Van de Pas, Director Guest Experience, Service and Fleet Workforce

  • Designing for Queen Anne about the design processes for Queen Anne with Alison Clixby, Director Hotel Design and Projects and Francis Fred, Brand Manager
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