Are you looking to develop skills in communication, finance, fundraising, relationship building, partnership management, project management and/or event management this year?

We’re recruiting for a charity partnership team who’ll work together, as well as in partnership with our 2022/23 successful Carnival UK charity partner, to achieve our 2022/23 fundraising target.

While we know the ever-changing landscape right now means we once again must pull together, re-prioritise and support one another, it’s important we recognise the value in taking time to focus on our own development and career goals too. If this opportunity supports your development, speak with your line manager first to let them know you’re interested, and seek their support for getting involved. Applications close 17:00 16 February.


What will you be doing?
  • Designing, promoting, and delivering a creative fundraising plan for the year
  • Championing the charity and any fundraising initiatives within Carnival UK
  • Recording and protecting funds raised for the charity 
  • Co-ordinating with Internal Communications to ensure ongoing visibility and promotion of charity and fundraising initiatives across the business and externally via our career’s channels
  • Attending (one person on a rotational basis) the Core Charity Committee meetings on a quarterly basis to report on progress, discuss ideas, challenges, etc
  • Co-ordinating volunteers and resources for charity and fundraising activities
  • Participating in fundraising and charity activities

This role should take a couple of hours of your time a month.

Apply to be part of the 2022/23 team

Our charity partnerships are important to us and we have a history of some creative and impressive fundraising efforts, anchored in our sense of community and the get-up-and-go we create as a Carnival UK team. By joining the charity partnership team this year you’ll have the opportunity to:

  • have a meaningful impact to a charity that does great things in the local area
  • develop your skills and support your personal development goals
  • connect with people at all levels across Carnival UK and play a critical part in connecting colleagues with each other, through charity activities and fundraising events
  • build personal impact and profile across the business


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