Since 2017 Carnival UK have worked with charities including Mayfield Nurseries, Breast Cancer Haven and Southampton City Farm, helping to change the lives of those in our local community who need our support the most. 

Now, we’re on the search for our next Carnival UK charity partner who we’ll support throughout 2022 and into 2023.

We’re looking for a charity who:

  • Offers our people opportunities to get involved in fundraising activities
  • Supports our commitments to diversity and inclusion and our sustainability agenda
  • Is local to our Head Office in Southampton so colleagues can get involved in volunteering opportunities and events via our donate a day scheme or otherwise.

In return we’ll:

  • Work closely with the charity to support them with projects and events and advertise opportunities to get involved to all our colleagues
  • Set ourselves the challenge of achieving a pre-agreed fundraising target

If you know a charity that matches our criteria, we want you to:

Get in touch with them and let them know about the opportunity to be our partner for 2022/23.

Please also make them aware that all charities who are successfully shortlisted must be available to pitch for the partnership on either 4 April or 7 April between 1pm and 5pm. Pitches will last approximately 1 hour.

To be considered charities must:

Complete this application form and submit it to before 17:00 on 25 February.

Charities will be notified whether they have been successfully shortlisted to pitch week commencing 28 February. We’ll shortlist applications and complete a pitch process in March before putting our final two successful charities to an all-employee vote in late April.

We anticipate being able to announce our new charity partner in mid-May 2022.

Want to be involved in selecting and supporting our new partner? There’s still time to join our CUK charity partnership team.

If you’re looking for development opportunities this year, being part of the charity partnership team for Carnival UK could be for you. For full details of what’s required, as well as a link to the short application form, click here. Applications for joining the charity partnership team will be accepted until 17:00 on 16 February. 

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