We’re continuing to recruit more talent to help us deliver our plans for returning to service including a large group of people in to our Contact Centre to provide help to our Guests. 

Here are our latest crop of new colleagues – if you see them on a Zoom call, or around Carnival House, say hello and welcome them to the team!

Nicola Taylor PCA
Clair Butler PCA
Grace Davis PCA
Charlotte Lockley PCA
James Austin PCA
Claire Bailey GS
Jazmine Flegg GS
Katie Coates-Evans PHA
Keiran Watson PCA
Rory Fluker PCA
Philip Stephens PCA
Chelsea Marfo PCA
Ian Lowman PCA
Elaine Walker PCA
Katrine Garen PCA
Rosanna Gritt PCA
Beth Hayward PCA
Rebecca Parker PCA
Rory Macdonald PCA
Rebecca Smith Partnership Helpdesk
Matthew King PCA
Jamal Angol PCA
Isabel Scott PCA
Summer- Rene Gerbert-Robinson PCA


We caught up with one of our latest recruits to find out a little more about them…

Hi I’m Summer and I moved to England three years ago. Before starting this role I was working at a pharmacy, which was good but I definitely wanted to branch out and try something new. I love to travel and can’t wait to start a job that celebrates just that!

Do you know someone who would be perfect to join the Carnival UK team? Take a look at our latest vacancies here

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