One million steps. Three months. One life changing challenge.

Did you know that someone is diagnosed with diabetes every two minutes? Four million people are living with Diabetes in the UK right now. That’s why this summer Keren Taylor, Senior People Director – P&O Cruises, is taking on a challenge for everyone living with Diabetes.

We caught up with Keren to understand why the challenge is so important to her. Here’s what she had to say:

Diabetes complications took my grandmother and father from my life, too early. Now myself and my brother have also been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, I don’t want history to repeat itself for me or my children. That’s why I am embarking on the Diabetes UK One Million Steps Challenge, to change my potential destiny and theirs.  

This feels like a very big challenge for me as I badly broke my ankle last year and was immobile for 6 months. But it’s the right challenge to bring back mobility and get into a routine of regular exercise, which is key in combatting the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes.

Thanks to my amazing colleagues I’m not heading into this challenge alone. A number of the People Team HR Business partners are supporting me, and so Team Unicorn – Maria Soneira Perez, Kate Cornhill, Keren Taylor, Katherine Rolls, Liz Sinclair and Sarah Parker – will be walking a minimum of one million steps each in three months, starting on 1 July.

For me, embarking on this challenge really embodies our Culture Essential of Respect and Protect. My wonderful colleagues are taking time out to stand by my side and support my challenge, in turn raising awareness of Diabetes and much needed funds for the important and lifesaving work that Diabetes UK do.”

If you’d like to find out more about Diabetes, it’s symptoms and causes click here. 

To show your support for Team Unicorn visit their team page here. 

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