As employees of Carnival UK we’re all brand ambassadors for Carnival UK, P&O Cruises and Cunard, and it’s important to be mindful of what we post on social media and the wider impact it could have. That’s why, to make sure you’re protecting yourselves and our brands online, we’ve updated our shore Social Media policy.

You can find the updated policy on:
The Bridge> Ask HR> Shore HR> Shore HR A-Z> S> Social Media Policy

Social media has become an integral part of modern life and is a part of everyday communications. It’s a great way to share experiences, stay in touch with friends and family and it connects us with people all around the world whilst keeping us up to date with the latest news and trends 24hrs a day.

The majority of us use at least one social media site for personal use, and many have posted about our brands (Carnival UK, P&O Cruises and Cunard) at some stage, so it’s really important for us to establish policies and guidelines that respect and protect each other, our brands and our Guests.

The guidelines for functioning in an electronic world are the same as our Culture Essentials and ethics and confidentiality policies colleagues are expected to follow every day. Whether you’re tweeting, creating videos or photos, talking with Guests, or socialising with colleagues, your responsibility to our brands’ reputation doesn’t end when you finish work.

We all have rights to a private life and to express ourselves freely, and sharing our opinions on social media is an important part of those rights. These rights exist in balance with a wider set of rights and interests, including Carnival’s ability to conduct business.

For that reason, this policy applies to both company sponsored social media (content posted to official channels), employees, contractors and personal use when our brands – Carnival UK, P&O Cruises and Cunard, are the primary focus.

We’ll also be updating our fleet policy so will share more details on this when available.

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