This year’s Halloween celebrations may have felt a little different to usual but that didn’t stop our ships’ company from having a spooktacular time onboard. 

Many of our ships were able to enjoy Halloween celebrations in the form of a feast, pumpkin carving and best dressed competition. Here are the highlights from Britannia!

Best Dressed

Congratulations to Wilbert Calinga, Deck department and Aliston D SA, Hotel department for coming joint first and winning a special prize of £75 each.

Wilbert Calinga – 1st prize

Aliston D SA – 1st prize (joint)

Congratulations also go to Alex Bautista, Technical department for coming second (taking home a prize of £40) and Marlon Pentason, Technical department for coming third (taking home a prize of £20).

Alex Bautista, – 2nd prize

Marlon Pentason – 3rd prize

Pumpkin carving

Congratulations to Macklon Colacu, Hotel department for coming first and winning a prize of £50, and to Julius Mercado, Technical department for coming second and taking home a prize of £30.

Macklon Colacu – 1st prize

Julius Mercado – 2nd prize

If you had a ghoulishly good time this Halloween tell us what you got up to by sharing your photos on Instagram and tagging @carnivalukcomms #Halloween

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