As some of you may have heard or seen on the local news, HRH The Princess Royal paid a visit to our official Carnival UK charity partner, Oasis Southampton City Farm, on 29 October 2020.

The visit came after Oasis Southampton City Farm were awarded the Hampshire Countryside Award in 2018 for its educational and community work, introducing school children and young adults with different abilities to farm animals and their care. Hampshire’s Lord Lieutenant, Nigel Atkinson, invited Her Royal Highness to visit the award winning farm.

The Princess Royal, who has long been a supporter of city farms, was presented with a handmade bird box as a gift made on the farm by Andy Read, aged 28. Andy was injured in a car crash which left him with a brain injury. He is now a keen ambassador for the city farm helping on a variety of farm projects.

The Princess was also shown the chickens by a group of farmers with learning disabilities who enjoy working every week and also met two ‘Young Farmers’ whose efforts helped the farm survive a loss of income during lockdown.  George Heslop, aged 9, raised money by selling his drawings of the farm’s animals while Liam Dadd dyed his hair bright orange to raise money.

“It is so generous of The Princess Royal to share her time with us at Southampton City Farm. We are part of Oasis, a charity all about transforming communities. It’s been great to show Her Royal Highness the diverse range of people we support and to celebrate our volunteers and young farmers who work so hard throughout the year caring for our animals and gardens.

The public have been so generous and supportive, this year in particular, and every visit, donation and purchase on our city farm preserves this special place.”

Farm Manager, Russell Farley

This amazing opportunity for our charity partner has put into perspective the hundreds of lives positively impacted by the farms projects within the local community. 

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