On Saturday 29 August the repatriation flight for our Mauritian colleagues took off from London Heathrow and landed safely in their home country.

Many crew members from across Carnival Corporation flew from around the world to London to be repatriated on the private charter flight.

Amongst the 188 Mauritian nationals were 57 CUK colleagues who spent the last couple of months together on board Queen Victoria. Hotel General Manager James and HR Manager Anna from Queen Victoria are already missing everyone but have donuts to keep them happy.

The Mauritians have now started the quarantine in their home country and are the last large group of CUK Fleet colleagues who have returned home safely. Whilst in quarantine we are continuing to support all crew until they are safely home with their family and friends.

This leaves less than a handful of our colleagues who are awaiting their opportunity to be repatriated. The teams on board and shoreside are working to also make this happen in the not too distant future.

The repatriation effort has been a true joint effort of many different departments across CUK and we would like to thank everyone for their perseverance, patience and the ships’ teams for their support and taking good care of their fellow crew members.


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