Getting our people home safely has been, and continues to be our number one goal as we navigate the ever evolving nature of the COVID-19 pandemic.

This week we reached a significant milestone in our repatriation efforts and were able to confirm we have successfully repatriated 96.2%* of all Indian nationals, 94.4%* of all Filipino nationals and 92.8%* of all Rest of World nationals.

As we all understand, navigating change that a pandemic brings is challenging, but for those on board especially, we know how tough it has been to be away from family and friends and to have to adapt to a completely different life on board.


Getting everyone home as safely and quickly as possible has been a real team effort across ship and shore, and the patience and dedication of everyone on board has certainly not gone unrecognised.

For those awaiting repatriation, we will continue to progress travel arrangements and we look forward to having everyone home very soon.

For your daily repatriation update, select the “Fleet” drop down from the top navigation bar on The Insider, and then click “Latest repatriation update”.

*Excludes UK nationals and ships based outside the UK – ie: QE.

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