Believe in yourself….

“Believe in yourself. You are braver than you think, more talented than you know and capable of much more than you imagine.”

When I saw this quote recently, I realised how fitting it was for every single person working for P&O Cruises at the moment. 
As we enter our last week of the month and we come to the end of our consultation process, I just wanted to put in writing my personal and very grateful thanks for everything everyone has contributed, in particular over the past two months. 
These really are the saddest days since I joined the company nearly 19 years ago. I am devastated that due to the impact of Covid-19 upon us, the wider travel industry and indeed the world, this week we will lose talented and hard-working people from the business through absolutely no fault of their own. I know we have explained that these are necessary changes we have to make for the future stability of the business but that does not make it any easier to see the list of people who will be leaving us.
I have seen first-hand how very dignified and professional everyone has been, especially as we have not been able to have proper, face to face conversations. No one has been unaffected and some clearly more than others. I also know that many of you have family and partners impacted in a similar way and are very worried about the future and that’s also what makes this whole situation so very sad and even more difficult.
The contribution from those leaving us, as well as those who are staying, will always form part of P&O Cruises’ history and you should feel so proud of what you have achieved during your time here.
The world, the economy and our business will return – maybe not for a while, but it will – and whilst it sounds trite, I do hope you can stay positive. There are always opportunities for talent and you will certainly be able to apply your talent to new roles and positions in the future.
Whilst the rest of this year looks rather uncertain and as we cautiously move out of lockdown and into a semblance of normality, I am optimistic, and you should be too, about the future. Travel is in our blood, the quest for discovery to see new places and new things will not diminish. We will cruise on ships, we will fly on planes, we will climb mountains and we will explore once again.
For those who are leaving, I wish you every success for the future – you truly deserve it.
In the meantime and as we conclude the repatriation of our crew, I hope everyone can enjoy the summer at home, with loved ones and friends. Make sure you take some time to unwind, take stock and remember how brave and talented you really are.

Paul Ludlow
President, P&O Cruises

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  1. Thank you Paul for your heartfelt and considerate message – you have been supportive throughout the whole period and I thank you for that. Best wishes to all those leaving and staying, Jeremy.

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