In our Contact Centre we’re always looking for new ways to bring unforgettable holiday happiness to life. So, we thought what better way than our people sharing their own experiences about life onboard and the fabulous destinations we visit – that’s where you come in!

By working better together you can really help us create that excitement we all feel when going on holiday, for our Guests. You’ve experienced the ships and destinations first hand, both on board and ashore – whether that’s taking organised tours or when you ventured off on your own. So we’re asking you to share those unforgettable moments that make you smile every time you remember them, to help our advisors bring cruising to life.

Simply comment below with your favourite short anecdote of a ship or destination experience that you treasure, or email it to our dedicated mailbox

Here’s an example to get you started…

The catamaran trip in Barbados is a must! Soaking up the sun, listening to music and a wonderful lunch, which went down very nicely with the copious amounts of Caribbean Rum on offer! The chance to swim with some local turtles was absolutely incredible and sailing back with the sun setting was just beautiful.

Your memories will become part of sales job aids to support us in bringing our itineraries and ports to life, to personalise every Guest experience and increase rapport and engagement on sales calls.

We look forward to hearing all about your moments of holiday happiness!

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  1. Carlene Proud on

    Hire a quad bike for the day and really explore what the island has to offer: We went to Airport beach to watch the planes come in, up a few dirt tracks to find some incredible views and also stopped off at some really beautiful spots for a drink or two (Nettle Bay is gorgeous)! The pretty butterflies on the island as we were driving around also made it a day to remember.

  2. Maria Soneira Perez on

    Vigo – Go to the old town, eat oysters and drink the traditional wine Albariño, walk to El Castro (all the way up – lots of hills!!) for incredible views of “La Ria de Vigo” (the sea) and the city. Take a taxi/bus to Samil (the city beach) and walk around the 1.15Km beach with nice sun facing cafes!

  3. Florencia Santana on

    Venice: Discover the charm and magic Venice hides in its backstreets. From the ship make your way early in the morning to Piazzale Roma and walk through the narrow quiet back streets, narrow canals and over the romantic bridges, away from the crowds and get to know the real Venice. When you reach St. Marks square, admire the beauty of the Byzantine Basilica with its bell tower and head to the famous Caffe Florian and enjoy an Espresso, or if you want to splurge go for a cappuccino, it will probably be the most expensive cappuccino you have ever had but it is soooo worth it!

    • Sheldon Bedwell on

      I completely agree Florencia, Venice is always incredible with something new and exciting to discover on every visit.

  4. For me it is all about escape and adventure. People often think they can’t go off the beaten track when travelling with Children on your own, but if you put in enough research you can do so easily and affordably. Last year we were on board Azura and my kids longed for a beach day, so when we arrived at Livorno we started our journey with a long walk (buses are available) across town to board one of 2 trains to a beautiful place called Viareggio. Travelling by train in Italy is amazing as often you can sit up the top (hugely exciting when you are 4) and watch the beautiful Italian landscape float by.

  5. There are many memories and pictures I could share, but here are a few of my favourites that truly reflect my holiday in the Caribbean in December, Christmas is a great time to travel, the islands and onboard the ships really make it a truly magical experience

  6. Katie Peterson on

    Britannia last year 2019 when I did not expect to be an engaged lady by the end of it! The whole crew pulled together to make it a truly memorable moment… my fiancé (boyfriend at the time) was petrified so they made it a lot easier for him but taking the weight off the planning. Photographer was involved, we had the ivory suite all to ourselves (there were 12 of us, all family members from both sides) along with all the restaurant crew members from epicurean where we had just eaten our meal… I’ll never ever forget it!

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