One way we keep ourselves, our Guests and our environment safe and well is through our mandatory and regulatory training, which we’re all responsible for completing. From 6 April, whether you work ship or shore, you’ll use GLADIS (The Global Learning And Development Information System) to complete all your compliance training, instead of TrainEasy.

Fleet colleagues across the Carnival brands use GLADIS already so some of you may already be familiar with it.

What does this mean for me?

All your previous compliance training data will be transferred over to GLADIS. And ongoing, your role will determine what compliance elearning you need to complete. Log on to GLADIS now and you’ll see any outstanding courses in the Active Courses section.

Shoreside colleagues

When you’ve been assigned a course, you’ll receive an email prompting you to complete it on GLADIS.

Fleet colleagues

As usual, you’ll continue to be notified when you need to complete your elearning. And we’re making it even easier for you to be on top of everything you need to know.

  • You’ll now be able to access your training anytime and anywhere – as GLADIS doesn’t need an internet connection.
  • You’ll also be able to access GLADIS on your own device (without any cost) – just speak to your Learning and Development Officer or Fleet Safety Trainer.

How do I access GLADIS?

Shoreside users can find GLADIS in the Quick Links of the Insider and it’s also linked on The Cove.

If you work on board and you’re using a Carnival UK networked computer, you’ll see the link in the browser favourites. If you’re onboard and want to access GLADIS using your own device, look out for the posters or speak to your Learning and Development Officer to get the weblink for your ship

What are my log in details?

  • If you’ve not logged onto GLADIS before, your default username is your employee ID (for fleet users add 0s to make it 6 digits –e.g. ID 123 should be input as 000123). Shore users can find their employee ID on their laminex or in myHR Portal – From My Profle, click ‘Access and Delegation’ and use the ‘person number’ in the top left.
  • Your Password is your DOB: DD-Mmm-YYYY (eg 01-Jan-2020).
  • When you log in, set up your security questions so you can re-set your password in future without any help.

If you have any questions

Please get in touch with or if you have password issues contact IT helpdesk on 023 8065 6000.

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