Each year, P&O Cruises produces a calendar which is sent to our top tier Guests in the Peninsular Club. The calendars not only feature the best guest photography, but are a way for us to reward and thank them for their continued loyalty to our brand.

This year’s calendars will land with Guests from 16 December and will be sent to approximately 16,000 households.

As with previous years, we held a competition on social media, where Guests could submit their best photograph taken whilst travelling with us. Having received over 1,300 entries, we managed to whittle down to what we think are the top 12 pictures, to feature in the 2020 calendar.

In addition to having their photo featured in the calendar, the lucky winners will also receive an Instax Mini Polaroid camera and film, so they can continue to capture their special holiday moments.

From the breathtaking Norwegian Fjords, to the impressive Caribbean shores, some of our most scenic destinations are showcased. So do you fancy having one? The 2020 calendar will be available in the break-out areas and hubs on each floor from next week, but we only have a limited amount so don’t be shy! Go and claim your calendar before they all run out.

Enjoy the inspiring Guest photography, and may 2020 bring you all good fortune.

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