This December our charity partner, Southampton City Farm, are hosting a Santa’s Grotto event for all the family! Explore the Grotto, meet Santa (and his rein-goats) and take home a special gift too. What’s more if you’re a Shipmate you’re eligible for a great discount off the entry price.

Event details:
Saturday 7 December – Santa’s Grotto

Entry for Shipmates and their families – Adults free, Children free, Grotto entry £5 (see Shipmates email for full details). Non Shipmates entry: Adults £3, Children £1, Grotto entry £7. This event must be booked in advance by calling 02380 522706.

Look out for your Shipmates email for full details on how to redeem the offer or if you’re not a Shipmate yet email to sign up. 

For full details of upcoming farm events visit

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