At Carnival UK we’re members of the Voluntary Observing Ship (VOS) scheme whose members share meteorological observations while at sea and we’re please to say our ships are still sharing plenty of data.
Seven of our nine ships have hit their third quarter targets recently, which is set at 262 observations.
Our ships send meteorological observations whilst at sea, which make a vital contribution to worldwide weather forecasting, ship routing and the safety of life at sea for all mariners. They’re also shared with other national met services around the world and are vital for other industries including transport (e.g. for ship building & routing), health & national security, to name a few. They are also required as supporting evidence for the decisions made by government in response to climate change.
Met Office’s Steve Bond said “The observations they send are highly valued and make a vital contribution to marine weather forecasting and the safety of life at sea for all mariners.”
So far this year our fleet has sent a total of 3,459 observations which is a great achievement so far for the year – let’s hope they can hit their yearly targets!