At the end of every quarter, you have the opportunity to ask members of your Executive Leadership Team (ELT) in Carnival House any questions.

These face to face Q&A sessions are the perfect time to find out more about topics that are important to you, your department and the business. The next Q&A sessions are planned from 25 September – see Diary Dates for when they’ll be in your department.

Feeling shy or don’t want to ‘ask for a friend’?

Don’t worry, ahead of the ELT’s visit, you can use the links below to post your anonymous questions and ‘like’ questions from your colleagues.

The questions with the most likes will be answered in the Q&A session.

Please be aware that the dates in bold below have changed.

  • Contact Center Operations (floor 1 – 25 September at 15:00) #CCOELT
  • Shared Services, GE, Brand Product & Support (floor 3 – 26 September at 14:00) #SSGEELT
  • P&O Cruises & Revenue (floor 2 – 25 September at 15:45) #POCELT
  • IT (floor 4 – 26 September at 16:00) #ITELT
  • Cunard (floor 1 – 7 October at 11:00) #CUNARDELT
  • People Team (floor 4 – 7 October at 14:00) #PEOPLEELT
  • Finance (floor 4 – 7 October at 14:45) #FINANCEELT
  • Maritime (floor 3 – 17 October at 14:00) #MARITIMEELT

What are you waiting for? Follow the links and ask your burning question now!

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