For 50 years John Langley, an avid Cunard historian and founder of the Cunard Steamship Society, has been curating one of the most extensive collections of Cunard historical items and documents.

On Friday 26 July 2019, he joined Queen Mary 2 in Halifax, Canada along with 21 boxes of the collection which he has kindly donated to Cunard. These rare and unique documents have been ‘brought home’ to Liverpool, Cunard’s spiritual home and will be housed in the Cunard Archive. To ensure we captured all the rich history and context of this collection, John worked with the University of Liverpool’s archive team to catalogue the items in preparation for making it available to the public.

“As a life-long Cunard collector and historian this opportunity is an assurance that much of my life’s work will be preserved for future generations.” 
John Langley Q.C.

A selection of the Cunard Archive in Liverpool can be accessed online here

If you have any questions about the Cunard Archive or the recent Langley collection, please contact Claire Culverwell (

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