The Crew Air & Logistics team from Carnival Support Services India (pictured above) seamlessly supported the air travel and accommodation of 25 Carnival UK colleagues who were stranded in Gatwick during the airport shutdown in December.

Drone sightings over the airfield had forced the delay and cancellation of hundreds of flights at Gatwick from 19 to 21 December. Among the thousands stranded were Carnival UK colleagues who were to join their ships urgently due to the holiday season. The team at CSSI acted proactively and swiftly to create a quick alternate travel plan for these members of the ships’ company.

What did CSSI do?

  • Kept in constant touch with all 25 colleagues
  • Arranged accommodation at the airport until more information from the authorities was provided
  • Coordinated with the Carnival UK Rotation and Flight teams to arrange charter flights to make sure our people reached their embarkation ports on time
  • Kept in touch with each person individually to let them know about their rescheduled travel plan, with supporting information via email

The result was a well-coordinated effort by the Mumbai team with colleagues being kept up to date and the stranded individuals reaching their destinations safely.

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