We love hearing from our crew members about what they’ve all been up to. Ventura recently got in touch with us to tell us all about an event they held onboard to boost crew’s first aid skills. Here’s what happened …

Back in August we held our usual First aid course and had a huge turnout of 38 crew. The medic team led the way and delivered the training in a way that was engaging. By borrowing the Annie CPR dolls all crew were able to have a go at delivering CPR and left feeling confident in their first aid skills.

Thank you to everyone including the Seafarers Welfare Committee who made the event a success. And well done to the Medic team who received lots of positive feedback from crew.

Got a story to share? As always, we’d love to hear what you’ve been up to. Please email Internal.Comms@carnivalukgroup.com with photos and further information for the chance to be featured on The Insider.

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