As part of our commitment to respect and protect our colleagues, we work closely with the International Seafarers’ Welfare and Assistance Network (ISWAN) which provides free support to seafarers and their families around the world.

In 2023, women seafarers were more than three times as likely to contact ISWAN about an issue of abuse, bullying, harassment, discrimination or violence than men. To help tackle this, ISWAN has launched its ‘Safe at sea… it takes all of us’ campaign to raise awareness of the personal safety challenges that women seafarers face.

The campaign focuses on the importance of allyship and the role that all seafarers can play in making life at sea safer for everyone. Allyship is about making an effort to understand others and the challenges they may face. It’s about looking out for and supporting each other, and speaking up when something isn’t right.

Take a look at this short video to find out more…

It’s essential that we treat each other with respect and build a culture of allyship where everyone supports each other. Please play your part and be an ally – here’s how…
  • Listen and learn from the experiences of others and make an effort to understand the challenges they may face.
  • Look out for each other. Is everyone being treated with respect? Support your colleagues and make sure they don’t feel alone.
  • If you’ve seen something that isn’t right, do something about it and Speak Up to your Line Manager, Head of Department or HR Manager. They are here to support you and you’ll never be treated unfairly for telling us about something that has happened, regardless of the rank of the people involved. If you don’t feel comfortable speaking with someone face to face, you can also make a report via the Hotline without giving your name.
Helping everyone feel respected

The diversity of our people is one of the things that makes us great, but it’s not always easy to navigate our cultural differences. For example, what may be a sign of respect in one culture may be seen as disrespectful in another. We have a wide range of learning tools and activities to support you with this – click here to find out more.

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