Technology continues to transform how we work, giving us amazing tools and supercharging our productivity. To make sure our data privacy practices keep up and to prioritise information security, we’ve revised our guidelines for managing meeting audio/video recordings and transcripts in Microsoft Teams. 

Check out the updated Acceptable Use Policy for the complete details. Meanwhile, here are highlights of what you need to know:  

  • Microsoft Teams is the only company-approved system for recording or auto-transcribing meetings. 
  • Microsoft Teams automatically deletes all meeting recordings, transcripts and any associated AI meeting notes after 14 days (with some exceptions for things like training videos and Town Halls). 
  • It’s up to you to seek an exception to protect recordings or transcripts that must be retained for legal purposes or to meet our data Retention Schedule standards. 
  • Exceptions may be subject to approval by our Chief Financial Officer and General Counsel. 
  • Before your meetings, check that all participants agree to be recorded or transcribed; if anyone objects, it shouldn’t be transcribed or recorded.  
  • Be careful when sharing recordings, transcripts or AI meeting notes with team members internally – remove any sensitive information that might be accidentally forwarded to others. 
  • Meeting recordings, transcripts and AI meeting notes should not be shared outside of the company.  

These guidelines don’t apply to meetings hosted and recorded by outside third parties, like suppliers or partners – but speak up if you don’t want to be recorded. They also don’t apply in some limited situations covered by the IAG Manual and related policies.     

Additional policy information 

For more on managing recordings & transcriptions in Microsoft Teams, see the updated Acceptable Use Policy here. Plus, for information on how to secure data assets for retention purposes, see our Information Governance Policy 

If you have any questions please contact the Information Governance team at 

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