We’re committed to building an inclusive culture where everyone feels valued and that they belong. That’s why we’ve partnered with Code First Girls to support our gender representation ambitions. We established a Women in Technology Network for Carnival UK in March 2023 and are passionate about strengthening the contribution of and improving opportunities for women working in Technology as part of our business.

Code First Girls are a social impact organisation on a mission to transform Tech by providing the skills, confidence and inspiration for women and non-binary individuals to become kick-ass, developers, data whizzes, and future Tech leaders.

As part of our partnership, Carnival UK is sponsoring 95 high potential women and non-binary individuals who want to pursue a career in Tech, to level up with an 8-week online beginner course running across the south-east and south-west regions. The programme launched on 25 April 2023 and is already fully booked. The course content focuses on coding – introducing Python basics, problem solving and decision making. Course participants build and deploy their own app and give an end of course presentation.

Our Partnership is also sponsoring four Code First Girls degree places and providing four job opportunities for junior data developers to join our team, with the first degree graduates joining us in Autumn 2023. So watch this space for more updates!

We’re so excited by the potential of this partnership and what we can achieve together. Want to find out more about Code First Girls opportunities? Take a look here…


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