…what better week to tell your colleagues how much you love what they do!

Has somebody wowed you with their determination and courageousness? Perhaps you’re in love with how guessed obsessed they are, head over heels for a hero of safe and well or maybe someone’s passion for happiness just brightens up your day… no matter how big or small now’s the time to tell them.

If you have a colleague that makes you feel like you’re better together, why not tell them here – shout about your most loved colleague below in the comments below and our favourite ‘couple‘ will get a little something special this Valentine’s Day.


Remember to also recognise your colleagues by nominating them for a quarterly Values Awards here.

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  1. I love my whole team! Every member of the P&O Cruises Digital team have the guest at the centre of everything they do, everyone on the team is always looking at ways we can improve processes and work better together, and we’re always looking out for each other. I feel very lucky to be part of such a great team.

  2. I think our team are amazing!! Everyone is passionate about being guest obsessed and one of us is always available night or day. Our colleagues around the business are often amazed when we relate some of our stories, from people who have fallen ill and have to be in hospital for a few days to those who are in the darkest moments of their lives and loose a loved one. often suddenly. This is not forgetting the support that we give to our crew colleagues when they are taken ill a long way from home and our colleagues in Carnival House when they need some TLC. I am so proud to be part of this team, it is hard and sometimes emotional but we make a real difference to the people that we help.

  3. My Team Leader Lucy curtis. She has been so supportive and understanding when I was having personal problems. Lucy has been there for me throughout my maternity leave and now having returned to work, has made my transition back to work very stress free.
    Lucy should be recognised for not only being a team leader but also a person who always makes sure her team are happy and looked after!

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