Our Culture Essentials Awards celebrate and recognise colleagues who support our Culture Essentials by showcasing our behavioural expectations. These behaviours are critical in helping us to achieve our ideal culture, be the great company we aspire to be, and to create unforgettable holiday happiness for our guests.

When we’re performing at our best we:

  • Speak Up: See something, do something
  • Respect and Protect: Respect and protect our People, the planet, the law and our company
  • Improve: Focus on compliance and our performance as a team
  • Communicate: Talk openly about our values and priorities, and act as we expect others to
  • Listen & Learn: Listen to each other, be accountable for our actions and learn from our mistakes
  • Empower: Give our teams what they need to succeed

Ready to nominate? Make sure it’s a winning nomination!

Winners will be chosen on the strength of the nomination, rather than the number of nominations, so it’s worth taking the time to ensure your nomination:

  • Links to one or more of our Culture Essentials – if it doesn’t, why not send an e-thank you card instead
  • Includes a clear example of how your nominee has demonstrated one or more of our Culture Essentials

Recognise your colleagues and nominate here!

How does it work?

  • You can nominate teams and individuals for a Culture Essentials Awards. There is no limit on the number of nominations. Votes are collated by business area.
  • In each business area an individual winner, two runners up and one team winner will be selected by their Employee Experience Group (EEG). Due to the size of Shared Services, three winners, six runners up and one team winner will be chosen from this business area.
  • The individual and team winners from each business area form the shortlist for our overall quarterly Culture Essentials Awards winners.
  • The ELT will select one individual winner and one team winner each quarter from the shortlist and they become the overall quarterly winners.
  • If our winners and runners up have displayed our Culture Essentials in a way that benefits HESS (Health, Environment, Safety and Security) they’ll also be recognised as a HESS Hero.
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