P&O Cruises Hotel Rating appraisal form

**The appraisal form on this page is no longer in use. To complete the appraisal process, click here to visit the new fleet performance and development page.**

To support us in driving a performance-led culture and to ensure we’re able to provide meaningful work and opportunities for our people to develop and grow their careers with us, the P&O Cruises Rating appraisal form is now an online document.

This online format makes it easier and quicker to capture your appraisal score and feedback.

Completing the online P&O Cruises Hotel Rating appraisal form

The appraisal performance conversation is a very important part of the appraisal process and should be focussed on how your team member has performed during their tour. The conversation is confidential and should be held in a place where you cannot be overheard by others.

Appraisal performance conversations should be held during the last two weeks of an individual’s tour, but not their last day – there needs to be enough time to have the appraisal performance conversation, complete the form and hand a printed copy of the form to your team member.

Click here to open the P&O Cruises Hotel Rating appraisal form 

Please note this form is for Hotel Ratings only. Maritime Ratings, please follow your current paper-based process.

Accessing and completing the online form can only be done on a ship’s PC or laptop. We understand not everyone can access ship technology all off the time so we recommend you have the appraisal conversation with your team member first and input the detail into the form afterwards.

Step 1 Pre-arrange a time and place for the appraisal conversation with your team member. This will give them time to prepare their thoughts before the appraisal meeting.

Step 2 Use this line manager guidance document to ensure you cover the key assessment points that you will need to complete the online form. 

Step 3 Complete the form online. The form cannot be saved part way through, you must complete and submit the form in one go. Refer to this FAQ document to answer any questions you might have about the new appraisal form. 

Step 4 Once you have submitted the form, you must print a copy and hand to your team member before they leave the ship. Instructions on how to do this are in the online form.

For the Officer appraisal process, visit this page.

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