Thank you for continuing to Speak Up. Your feedback is incredibly important and helps us to identify what we’re doing well and where we need to improve. To find out how we’ve been listening and what we’re doing as a result of what you’ve told us, please take a look at our Listen and Learn report.

Click on the P&O Cruises or Cunard image below to read the latest report:

June 2024

In addition to what’s shown in the report, we continue to work to investigate the more private, individual cases that people Speak Up about. We have a fair process for this and will always do a thorough investigation if any wrongdoing is reported.

Please be assured that you’ll never been treated unfairly for speaking up about something that has happened to you, or that you have witnessed, regardless of the rank of the people involved. Our goal is always to seek the truth and take the right action to ensure our colleagues are safe, respected and supported at all times.

November 2023

May 2023

Remember to keep speaking up

Your feedback makes a big difference, so please continue to tell us what you think by taking part in our Life on board surveys and speaking to your Line Manager, Head of Department or HR Manager.

You can also Speak Up via The Hotline, where you can make a report without giving your name. Phone 0808 234 2727 (30003 onboard) or visit and give as much information as possible.

Find out more about how to Speak Up here >

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