Supporting Guides & Documents

Planning your development helps you focus on the future and what you need to get there. Whether you want to be the best you can at delivering your goals, or get closer to your next career move, we’ve created a guide to help you get clarity on what you can be doing to move yourself forward, simply click here.

Alex Francis, Project Engineer, has taken some time out to talk about his own development journey. In this short video, Alex reflects on some of his top tips on how to plan your own development and how he used an Individual Development Plan to further support his roadmap to career progression.

What is a development conversation?
Taking ownership of your development in line with management support is crucial to its success. A development conversation is about you taking the time to reflect on what you believe to be your strengths and subsequent development areas.

Your manager will listen, guide, and ask you open questions so you can explore your thoughts and ideas together. This means you’ll have a deeper understanding of your interests, skills and focus areas.

There’s no one more invested in your development than you. This means that you can expect to do most of the talking! Be as open as you can. The more honest you are, the more you’ll get out of it. Your manager will be happy to listen, support and champion you. Remember, it’s really rewarding for them to watch you grow.

By the end of the conversation, you’ll discuss and agree some simple development goals which you can then add to myHR portal so progress can be reviewed. Click here for a quick reference guide on how to add development goals. As well as using myHR portal for logging your development goals, you can also create an  Individual Development Plan (IDP), click here to access the template.

How to find the right development opportunities
There are many ways in which we develop and not one size fits all. You and your manager should identify what is best for you and your needs. This development planning guide will give you some ideas and suggestions of things you can be doing to get exposure to support your development goals.

2025 Power Hours and Leaders Exchange
Following on from previous years, CUK have kindly extended their Power Hour and Leaders Exchange offering to Corporate Shipbuilding employees. For those who aren’t based in the UK, you can still book any of the virtual sessions, just check the calendar in the Cove before you book. Click here to see the schedule for this year which has a whole host of new topics for everyone to explore.

The Cove
Our current learning and development offering should help you develop the soft skills that you have identified that you might need to work on, or it could be that you’d like to further your knowledge on different areas. The Cove offers online learning with access to a wide range of resources in various formats, so there is something for everyone. If you can’t find what you’re looking for, please reach out to Aida Ardelean.

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