A spotlight on our CUK Analyst Community

Analytics services always work best when we look outward and utilise the experience, knowledge and skills of others to add value to what we produce. A legacy of Covid meant we had lots of people joining CUK at the start of the year who were new to the business and the industry, with a real desire to collaborate, but with no central mechanism to help them.

As part of our drive to Listen and Learn and to Empower each other, the Maritime Data and Information team, which sits within Maritime Continuous Improvement brought together analytics services across the business to form the CUK Analyst Community seven months ago.

Visit our CUK Analyst Community Hub Site

What is it?

The CUK Analyst Community is where the building and sharing corporate knowledge meets professional development.

It is made up of two elements, the Analyst Community Hub on SharePoint  [LINK] and monthly Analyst Development Sessions where we take a topic, team, data set, tool or technique in focus and present it to members.  This creates a forum to share and broaden knowledge, allows people to share ideas and enhance existing work and connects teams so they can collaborate on new innovative projects.

Why are we coming together?

Our community feeds decision makers every day and we need to constantly Listen and Learn, collaborate and Improve to give the right information at the right time to those that need it.

It is through collaboration that we’ll create best practice in CUK, be innovative in how we approach our work and reduce duplication of effort.

How do I get involved?

You can visit our SharePoint to find out more about who is part of the CUK Analyst Community and see what we’ve been up to. You can also access all the supporting materials from our previous Analyst Development Sessions including form the those listed below:

  • ​​​​On 25th April, we piloted the first CUK Analyst Community event which was a Development Session on CUK Data Strategy with Josie Sykes from the Data Services Team.
  • On 30th May the Data Science team gave a team presentation to the community on the differences between analytics and data science and shared some current projects and data models the team are working on.
  • On 28th June the CUK Analyst Community successfully held its first face to face event in Carnival House.  We discussed what we wanted to get out of the community, documented some ideas for future development sessions and connected on pieces of work to look to improve current ways of working and share knowledge.
  • On 26th September the chair of the Data Council Gary Collins, gave a presentation on the differences between Power BI and Tableau and how we could use both within CUK to improve our analytics services.
  • On 31st October the MDI team led a session about analytics in Maritime that support of fleet. This included a presentation on Fuel Management, Covid-19 Vaccinations and the Planned Maintenance System Get Well Plan project.

What are they saying about it?

Steve Cuzner, Manager, Fleet People Data 

There are various benefits that my team and I have gained from these sessions, including but definitely not limited to;

  • Gaining a wider understanding of what each team does and their relative specialisms.
  • Taking some great ideas and transposing these into our own area (e.g. different visualisations or methodologies)
  • Increased understanding of the tools available which is helping to challenge our reporting strategy

However, the single coolest thing is that we have used our new found understanding of other teams specialisms to link in with various people and work on a new form of predictive analysis within FPO that uses skills from both Josies and Claires teams that has the potential to positively impact on gaps, retention and future planning models.

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