Any member of Jutta’s team, the Flat Tyre Pirates, will vouch for her competitive spirit and motivating approach to her captaincy.

In Jutta’s own words ‘I like to win and I tried my best to motivate my team any chance and I must say, my team rocked it!!! It was such a pleasure.’

Even the most competitive and committed had their off days but Jutta still forced herself to get out and knew that once she left the comfort of the sofa she was fine.

Here’s some insights into just how competitive and prepared for all weathers Jutta was; she not only borrowed a spinning bike from a friend but also scoured eBay for another indoor bike. Her boyfriend thought she was crazy but she wanted to be prepared for anything!

Jutta was our biggest single contributor and contributed over 3648KM to her team’s victory! Amazing job Jutta, thanks for your enthusiasm and commitment to the cause.

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