1 in 100 people are autistic. You probably know autism is a spectrum condition that affects people in different ways and, like all people, autistic people have their own strengths and weaknesses. 

At Carnival UK we’re passionate about inclusion – it’s woven through all of our Culture Essentials. In recognition of Autism Awareness Week (29 March to 4 April), we’re asking you to think about the valuable skills and perspectives people with autism can bring to our workplace, and how we can ensure an environment where everyone can feel like they belong.

Learn more about Autism by watching the short video below, and visiting the National Autistic Society website here. 

Remember that everyone with autism is different

We’re all unique, regardless of whether we’re autistic. Not everyone shares the same strengths and weaknesses and so we need to Listen & Learn from each individual. Find out more about autism, and autism in the workplace, by clicking on the image below.

If you’re autistic and would like any adjustments in the workplace, let your line manager know.  

To enable you to be the best you can be, you may wish to talk to your line manager about your strengths and also let them know any challenges, so that they can support you with any workplace accommodations. This includes any accommodations you’d benefit from when we move to hybrid working. 

You can also speak confidentially to Occupational Health, or Karen Price in Inclusion and Engagement if you would like to do so.

The National Autism Society celebrates the creativity of individuals by publishing Spectrum magazine. The publication is one of the UK’s largest collections of autistic art, poetry and prose. Created by autistic people, the content covers all things autism – from articles on ASD and aliens, to everyday reflections of life on the spectrum.

Their poem section provides a real insight into the lived experiences of people with autism and is well worth a read. Take a look here.

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