Remember to complete our Pulse Survey and tell us what it feels like to work at Carnival UK (the good and the not so good) and to share your thoughts on how we can improve things for everyone.

Your feedback is really important and will directly influence decisions on how we do things. Since we last ran the survey, a year ago, there have been many changes to the way we work and lots of new people joining the business, so please take the time to take part and tell us what you think.

What you’ll be asked and why
Alongside the questions about our culture and how it feels to work here, you’ll also be asked some questions about your ethnicity, sexuality, gender and age. These are purely to ensure that we’re offering an equally good experience to all groups of people, so we’d really appreciate your help in completing this. Please know that this information isn’t used to identify anyone – the survey is completely anonymous, and we encourage everyone to be open and honest.

The survey closes on 4 April, so have your say now…
Complete the survey here>

What happens next?
Once the results are in, we’ll work with your Employee Experience Groups (EEGs) to explore feedback themes and put actions in place to make Carnival UK a better place to work. You’ll receive updates on this via your EEGs over the coming months.

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