Even during the current situation it’s important that we still strive for HESS Compliance through Commitment which is why we continue to recognise colleagues who go above and beyond in protecting the environment – and one such person is Biju Cheriyan.
Queen Mary 2’s head waiter, Biju, who’s remained on board to manage the ship’s company mess, was recently presented with an Environmental Compliance Plan (ECP) Reward Coin. ECP Reward Coins are given to recognise colleagues for their commitment to the environment.
What did Biju do?
Biju used his initiative to successfully reduce the amount of single use paper napkins which are being used during meal times by members of the ship’s company. He produced and published temporary notices as well reminding people verbally not to create additional waste.
James Ingram, Environmental Officer on QM2 said: “I feel that he very much showed commitment to our goals of ever increasing our sustainability by reducing waste.”
A presentation was held for Biju in the ship’s company mess as his colleagues applauded his actions.
If you want to share a similar story with your colleagues simply email internal.comms@carnivalukgroup.com.